
My Article

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Rubic's Cube


This is my article that useful to translate my blog that in Indonesian language, into your national language. as usual, just straight to the point.

This is the steps:
1. Klik here to go to the web for translate
2. Copy - Paste's my URL that you wanted to translate
3. Change the language (in left) become Indonesian
4. Change the language (in right) become your national language, for my example, change the language become English.
5. Click Translate.

wait for a moment, and then you can read my article.

This is the picture of my steps above:

Hope, this article can help you to see all of my article in your national language. Thank you for reading my article.

Please give your advice to every my article that you read to make my blog better. And thank you for giving the advice.

Blog For Fun And Knowledge. :D.

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Only GOD knows what will happen now and somehow.
-Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black-
______________________________ Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
That's why it is called the "present".
-Oogway "Kung Fu Panda"-
______________________________ Doubt is the beginning of knowledge.
-Rene Descartes-
______________________________ If you use your head, you can uncover the logical answer.
-Kudo Shinichi-
______________________________ Earth is our grandest stage.
So, do the best until we die and the end of the show.
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